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The Suite Life: Andrea in the Standard Suite


Shoe store

Brooklyn bridge

Sweet william

Third avenue


As a native of the New York area, I love coming back ‘home’. But New York with 2 small children is another story. I chose MySuites because I didn’t want to compromise between central location, design and enough room for the whole family. Our stay at The Standard Suite, in the Meatpacking district, met my criteria perfectly. This trip back to New York was more focused on being a family vacation so that meant frequent stops at cool children’s stores and trips to playgrounds all over the city.
We found New York much more child-friendly than before, and as a blogger on family design, it was great to see that modern families can enjoy the best of the city. It helped as well that we visited in the Spring, so everyone was happy to enjoy being outdoors after such a long winter. It was the first time we discovered Dumbo and Jane’s carousel (too bad it was closed that day), and our kids gave the playground their seal of approval!
Thanks to MySuites for making us feel like a real New York family…at least for the week.
Andrea is a bedding designer and blogger living in Geneva, Switzerland (

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