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Sketch Nights @The Museum of American Illustration

red corridor
| something special behind the door |
For art and jazz lovers, for delicate souls, for wine connoisseurs and the unique atmosphere seekers, the red corridors of The Museum of American Illustration pave the way to a creative oasis in the heart of Manhattan with Sketch Nights. A time and place where you can listen to music, drink or sketch away live nude subjects–or all.
 | nude beauty for the artists |
Sometimes they are nude, sometimes only partly clothed, sometimes fully costumed. They can pose dressed in couture or in icon inspired fashions. You can just come in, take a seat and sketch away for the full 3 hours, or not.  The live jazz music creates a relaxing vibe all around, and for those who prefer a bit of a spike to their night, there’s the bar with a great wine and whiskey selection.
jazz musicians
|drawing and jazz – inseparable |
Check it out on tuesdays and thursdays.  For more details visit The Society of Illustrators.

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