“Mythology” Tricia Cline + Toc Fetch
RICCO/MARESCA‘s new “Mythology” exhibition with artists Tricia Cline and Toc Fetch is the collection of sculptures and paintings by the artists created to blur the boundaries between love and mental interpretations in their own narratives in both love and art. It tells the story of a Hero’s pilgrimage into Self. The idea of Self, a sacred non-dual reality, is embodied through the eyes of animals. The Hero’s story is not as much a tale as it is a series of philosophical epiphanies leading to the finite realizations that every aspect of life is precious. |
| look at the wolf’s stare by Toc Fetch | |
The work’s goal is not to evoke definite answers but instead elicit a personal discourse between the viewer and subject allowing for a wide variety of interactions and interpretations. An idea as easy to understand as it is complex. In the words of Fetch, “Only the joyful response has substance.” |
| pilgrimage into Self sculptures by Tricia Cline | |
| Toc Fetch’s works evokes various feelings | |
The exhibition runs through March 16th. |
529 W 20th St (bwtn 10th and 11th Ave) |